Mat Classes at the Studio

Pilates Mat Classes

Our group Mat and Reformer classes remain at the “core” of our studio. Both types of classes build strength, improve flexibility, decrease aches and pains, encourage joint stability, improve mobility and take the body through its full range of motion.

Mat classes are performed from the floor, working with body weight against gravity. Small equipment is often used to either assist a movement or to add challenge.

Pre-requisites for these classes will vary depending on the level and intensity of the class.

Beginner’s Mat

Providing a safe, secure environment to Pilates newcomers, this class is the foundation of all classes on our group schedule. With a slow start that builds each week to a pace that is perfect for preparing Beginner’s for the next level, this class has everything a person needs to learn about and explore the Pilates method of movement. Posture, mobility, core muscle activation and overall strength will all be addressed in this class. Leave our studio feeling taller, more flexible and SUCCESSFUL every single week!

Pre-requisite: A genuine interest in learning about Pilates. No previous Pilates experience necessary.

Mixed Levels Mat

This class is designed to accommodate beginners straight through to seasoned Pilates attendees – all are welcome in this class! Different options for the same exercise will be offered by the instructor, so whether you are just starting out or have been doing Pilates for years you will find the appropriate challenge for you. Mixed Levels Mat is all about choices, so if you are fairly new to Pilates this class will build upon your growing skills and understanding – exercises will be familiar, but you will be given ways to make them more challenging (only if you choose that option!). However, if you are an old pro you will be encouraged to work it out any which way you like!

Pre-Requisites: Beginner’s Mat OR a 1-hr private session with focus on Basic Pilates Principles OR previous Pilates Mat or Reformer experience OR approval from studio instructors

Mat Plus

This class is a mish-mash of small Mat equipment, so anything goes! You will be moving along at a steady clip while utilizing any of the following – the stability ball, weighted balls, Fitness Circle, foam roller, FlexBand, Ugi Ball, playground ball and small or large stability cushions – all for the sake of creating more challenge to Joseph Pilates’ already challenging mat repertoire. This class really is a surprise each week, as your instructor gets to use imagination and creativity with a collage of small equipment. Be prepared to work!

Pre-requisites: Beginner’s Mat OR a 1-hr private session with focus on Basic Pilates Principles OR previous Pilates Mat or Reformer experience OR approval from studio instructors

Pelvic Floor Mat Pilates

This is one of our specialty classes and it only comes around once a year or so. The format of this class is slow and controlled. The main focus of this group is to find and activate the Pelvic Floor musculature while performing basic Pilates Mat exercises chosen for their ability to enhance awareness of these difficult to find and often misunderstood muscles. Open discussion about our Pelvic Floor Program, short anatomy lessons and encouragement to continue with “homework” exercises between classes all form the foundation of this group.

Pre-requisites: An open mind and genuine interest in the muscles of the Pelvic Floor will certainly enhance the experience of this class. No previous Pilates experience is required.


Pilates Essentials Plus is a clean, well-equipped, friendly studio where I always feel welcome and comfortable. I have been doing Pilates for five years and still learn something new about my body and how it moves each time I am there. Tanya and Colleen are friendly, professional and well qualified.

As my instructor, Colleen’s professional, caring attitude and consistent thorough instructions have made my experience amazing. She keeps my workouts challenging, interesting and encourages me to push myself.

I love that Pilates is low impact and I never feel that any of the exercises put stress on my joints. Learning to control muscles, instead of just using them, has been enlightening. My strength, balance and flexibility have greatly improved and allow me to live a healthier, more active life as I continue to age.

Oh, I almost forgot … when I lock myself out of my house I can now climb in a window with ease.

Frances G


I’m so glad I started taking Pilates two years ago. Since then I have noticed a big improvement in my energy, health and fitness. I really like the variety of exercises and the dedicated instructors.

Marcie J